Consent* This is mandatory for your submission in our contest to be considered as a winner.
1. The undersigned hereby represents that I have been notified by The M.O.R.G.A.N. Project, Inc., a Florida non-profit corporation, that my submission for consideration in their Bubbles of Fun Giveaway Contest on behalf of the child above named has been chosen as one of the winners. I further represent that I have the sole and unconditional authority to execute all legal documents on behalf of, and am the legal guardian of, the above named child. I hereby represent that I have read, understand and agree to the Contest Guidelines that have been published, and certify that the information contained in my contest submission is true and correct.
2. As evidenced by my signature set forth below, and in consideration of The M.O.R.G.A.N. Project approving this submission, I understand and agree that The M.O.R.G.A.N. Project, Inc., its agents, assigns and employees are not responsible for any claims, judgments, causes of action or damages arising out of or relating to the receipt, use, or enjoyment of this gift, and I hold them harmless from any such claims and agree to indemnify same in the event of any claim, judgment, or action. This agreement shall apply to all claims, which are made in the future by any third party as a result of the use and enjoyment of this gift.
3. I give my consent for representatives of The M.O.R.G.A.N. Project, Inc. to use my child's name and/or picture, and to contact television, radio and newspaper media to do stories about my child’s gift for the purpose of increasing public awareness of their programs, goals and fundraising needs; I understand that this publicity agreement in no way affects my child's right to participate in the publicity campaign for any other organization; I am aware that videos and photographs may be taken during fulfillment of a gift by the parents/guardians or by representatives of The M.O.R.G.A.N. Project, Inc. or by news stations and press, individually and on behalf of the family members listed above, and hereby consent to be photographed and filmed without compensation. Photographs may be used for news articles, press releases, newsletters, social media channels and/or on the website for The M.O.R.G.A.N. Project, Inc.
I acknowledge that I have read the above GIFT LIABILITY & PUBLICITY RELEASE FORM and that I agree to all requirements of being chosen as a winner of the Bubbles of Fun Giveaway Contest.